United Nations Sustainability Goals

1% Better

Our 1% Better mission focuses on sustainability, primarily within the construction industry, but we do also endeavour to promote sustainability throughout all aspects of our lives. Within our first full year of our 1% Better campaign, we will be looking at a range of sustainability topics and issues, focusing on two ‘Hero’ topics which are then broken up into 12 monthly subtopics. Our first topic takes a closer look at what a Net Zero Home actually is whilst our second ‘Hero’ topic, which will be focused on in the second half of 2023, looks at the United Nations Sustainability Goals.

The 17 UN Sustainability Goals

There are seventeen goals in total which make up the 2030 agenda – a plan of action for ‘peace and prosperity for the people and the planet, now and into the future.’ In 2015 these goals were agreed upon and adopted by all the United Nations Member States and include –

1.       No Poverty

2.      Zero Hunger

3.      Good health and wellbeing.

4.      Quality education

5.      Gender equality

6.      Clean Water and Sanitation

7.      Affordable and Clean Energy

8.      Decent work and economic growth

9.      Industry, innovation, and Infrastructure

10.   Reduced inequalities.

11.   Sustainable cities and communities

12.   Responsible consumption and production

13.   Climate action

14.   Life below water

15.   Life on land

16.   Peace, justice, and strong institutions.

17.   Partnerships for the goals.


SOLID Sustainability Topics for Late 2023

The goals are a call for all countries globally to work together to improve quality of life for all on the planet whilst also tackling climate change. From July the SOLID team will be sharing how we can better implement these goals in both our work and our day to day lives. Our plan is to initially break these seventeen goals into six monthly subtopics of our own which include –

1-     Clean Water and sanitation.

2-     Ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.

3-     Responsible consumption and production.

4-     Health and wellbeing.

5-     Sustainable cities and communities.

6-     Climate action.

We look forward to sharing these topics with you later in the year.

You can find all our 1% Better Blogs in our News Section.

Learn more about the United Nations Sustainability Goals here.